Storing leases in LDAP

Simon Hobson dhcp1 at
Tue Mar 10 11:50:25 UTC 2015

Ben Humpert <ben at> wrote:

> Is any version capable of maintaining the list of DHCP leases in LDAP
> instead of the dhcpd.leases file?

I suspect the answer is going to be no, and no it's not likely to happen.
Storing the config in LDAP is one thing - it's not really that performance sensitive. But storing leases is typically one of the performance bottlenecks on a DHCP server. Whenever a lease is given to a client, the server stores that lease in the leases file *and syncs it to disk* - I believe this is done before the packet is sent to the client but I could be wrong on that.
What happens to performance if you have to update an LDAP database rather than just appending a record to a text file ?

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