Problem to set up DHCP for ipv6 - subnet_number():inet.c:45: Addr/mask length mismatch

Graham Clinch g.clinch at
Thu May 26 13:00:52 UTC 2016

Hi Reed,

There seems to be some copy-paste confusion here with the various file names and command lines.

For IPv4
> root at johw-Lenovo:/etc#/root/dhcp-4.3.4/server/dhcpd -cf dhcpd.conf eth0 start
> Config file: dhcpd.conf
> *file content of dhcpd.conf*

but for IPv6:
> root at johw-Lenovo:/etc#/root/dhcp-4.3.4/server/dhcpd -6 -cf dhcp6.conf eth0 start
> Config file: /etc/dhcpd.conf
> *file content of dhcpd6.conf*

So for IPv4, your command line is to read from 'dhcpd.conf', and dhcpd outputs that it's reading from that path, and then you report the content of (presumably) that file.

But for IPv6, you command line is to read from 'dhcp6.conf', dhcpd outputs that it's reading from /etc/dhcpd.conf (a different path - the default one compiled into the dhcpd binary?), and you report the content of a file named 'dhcpd6.conf' (note additional d).

I suggest you start by rechecking all the file names and command lines, since dhcpd is definitely not opening a file with a '6' in the name.


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