Common settings

Niall O'Reilly niall.oreilly at
Tue Nov 29 17:11:28 UTC 2016

On 29 Nov 2016, at 10:05, Mike Richardson wrote:

> Hiya,
> If I have multiple large sets of subnets and want to apply different common
> options to them, is there a nice way of doing it?
> e.g.
> subnet netmark {}
> subnet netmark {}

  [ s/netmark/netmask/ ? ]

  In the general case, there's no nice way to make one group of subnets
  have the values for certain options in common, while another group has
  a different set of common values for the same or another set of options.
  Specifying the options repeatedly inside each '{' ... '}' block is all
  that can be done.

  That said, if you can match a common set of options to a particular
  set of network devices by topology (shared-network) or by device
  characteristics (class), you can specify the common options in the
  corresponding shared-network or class definition.

  Best regards,
  Niall O'Reilly

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