400 File exists writing SMstore file -- throttling

Russ Allbery rra at stanford.edu
Sun Jul 3 03:31:52 UTC 2005

Carlos Robinson <carlos at borg.ucsf.edu> writes:

> What are these errors mean in inn-2.4.2

> 400 File exists writing SMstore file -- throttling

It usually means that your active file numbering is out of sync with
what's actually stored in your groups.  Check your news log and it should
reveal which group is having the problem.  You can then generally fix it
by using tdx-util -R to rebuild the overview database for that particular
group and then running ctlinnd renumber on that group to update the active
file with the right numbers.

Russ Allbery (rra at stanford.edu)             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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