Known bug, or am I doing something wrong?

Paul Tomblin ptomblin at
Tue Aug 24 16:53:47 UTC 1999

I'm using a few month old version of INN 2.2, and yesterday I decided to
do something about the fact that 75% of my newsfeed is news.lists.filters,
which I don't want.  (I asked for news.*, but I'm going to get my upstreams
to change that).  So I tried changing my "ME" entry in newsfeeds to exclude
it, using

        :*, at alt.binaries.*,!news.lists.filters,!junk,!control*,!local*,\

And did a ``ctlinnd reload newsfeeds ""''.  That wasn't working, so I tried
changing the bang to an at, and excluding alt.nocem.misc as well:

        :*, at alt.binaries.*, at news.lists.filters, at alt.nocem.misc,!junk,!control*,!local*,\

And did a ``ctlinnd reload newsfeeds ""''.  Still no joy.  Any ideas?

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