Overview space needs?

Olaf Titz olaf at bigred.inka.de
Wed Aug 25 08:55:07 UTC 1999

> Unrelated question: is there an easy way to convert a token suitable for
> sm into a text string detailing what cycbuff it actually resides in?
> Sort of an `smdecode' utility.  If the answer is no I'll use the source.

I should probably submit this for "contrib" (where?)



# showtoken - decode SM tokens
# Olaf Titz, 1999. Public domain.
# Takes tokens on stdin and write them along with a decoded form on stdout.
# XX: tradspool is untested.
# Format of a token:
#  1   type
#  1   class
# 16   token
#  1   index
#  4   offset
#  2   overlen
#  2   cancelled
# The fields "index" and following are not available with OV3 (INN 2.3 up)
# the "token" field is:
# for type=0 (trash) ignored
# for type=2 (timehash)
#  4   time
#  2   seqnum
# for type=3 (cnfs)
#  8   cycbuffname
#  4   offset/512
#  4   cycnum
# for type=4 (timecaf)
#  4   time
#  2   seqnum
# for type=5 (tradspool)
#  4   ngnum
#  4   artnum

@types=("trash", "", "timehash", "cnfs", "timecaf", "tradspool");

sub splittoken
    $_=pack("H*", $t);
    local($type, $class, $toke, $index, $offset, $overlen, $cancelled) =
      unpack("CCa16CLnc", $_);
    printf "type=%s class=%d ", $types[$type], $class;
    if (length>36) {
	printf "over=%d offset=%x overlen=%x cancelled=%d ",
	       $index, $offset, $overlen, $cancelled;
    if ($type==2) {
	($time, $seq)=unpack("Nn", $toke);
	printf "time=%08lX seq=%04X ", $time, $seq;
	($aa,$bb,$cc,$dd)=unpack("a2a2a2a2", sprintf("%08lx", $time));
	printf "file=time-%02x/%s/%s/%04x-%s%s\n",
	       $class, $bb, $cc, $seq, $aa, $dd;
    elsif ($type==3) {
	($buffn, $offset, $cnum)=unpack("A8NN", $toke);
	printf "buffer=%s offset=%x cycnum=%x\n", $buffn, $offset*512, $cnum;
    elsif ($type==4) {
	($time, $seq)=unpack("Nn", $toke);
	printf "time=%06lX seq=%04X ", $time, $seq;
	($aa,$bb,$cc)=unpack("a2a2a2a2", sprintf("%06lx", $time));
	printf "caf=timecaf-%02x/%s/%s%s.CF\n",
	       $class, $bb, $aa, $cc;
    elsif ($type==5) {
	($ngn, $art)=unpack("NN", $toke);
	printf "ng=%08X art=%d", $time, $seq;
	if ($tradspool && $NG{$ngn}) {
	    printf "file=%s/%s/%d", $pathspool, $NG{$ngn}, $art;
	print "\n";

if ($ARGV[0]) {
    if (open(M, "$pathspool/tradspool.map")) {
	while (<M>) {
	    ($ng, $ngn)=split;
	close M;
while(<>) {
    /^@/ || next;
    print "$_ ";


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