new pullnews

James.Brister at James.Brister at
Fri Apr 7 13:20:49 UTC 2000

Appended here is an updated pullnews. Please try it if you can and let Rich
and Katsuhiro know how it goes so they can include it if there are no
complaints. I've been running it for months with no problems.

    new options: -g -r 
    rnews-ready output (option `-r')
    can restrict groups to check on remote(s) (option `-g')
    locks aginst multiple instances
    more verbose output (unless `-q' used) and better statistics.
    can put username/password in config file.

run with '-h' to get a fuller description.

Suggestions for improvments welcome.

James Brister
Nominum Inc.                                             brister at
# Author:       James Brister <brister at> -- berkeley-unix --
# Start Date:   Sat, 10 Oct 1998 21:40:11 +0200
# Project:      INN
# File:
# RCSId:        $Id:,v 1.1 1998/10/21 07:08:29 brister Exp $
# Time-stamp:	<Friday, 7 April 2000 15:17:12 by brister at>
# Description:  A very simple pull feeder. Connects to multiple remote 
#		machines (in the guise of a reader), and pulls over articles 
#		and feeds them to the local server (in the guise of a feeder).
# 		Uses a simple configuration file: $HOME/.pullnews to define
# 		which machines to pull articles from and which groups at each
# 		machine to pull over. There is no support yet for more specific
# 		configurations like cross-posted newsgroups to kill etc.
# 		A configuration file looks like:
# 0 0
# 				comp.lang.c 0 0
# username passwd
#				uunet.announce 0 0
# 0 0
#		hostname line has no leading space on it and an optional
#		username and password after the hostname.and all the
#		subsequent group lines for that host must have leading
#		spaces. The two integers on the group line will be updated by
#		the program when it runs. They are the unix time the group was
#		accessed, and the highest numbered article that was pulled
#		over.

# The Packages Net::NNTP is required *AND* the function Net::NNTP::new is 
# redefined in this file. If you're using a new release of Net::NTTP *AND* 
# if the Net::NNTP::new function supplied there does NOT call the 
# $obj->reader() function, then you can remove the redefinition in here.
# Net::NNTP is part of the libnet bundle by Graham Barr and is available
# from CPAN or his site:

#	- Have option to reset the highwater marks to match whatever 
#	  is on the remote server.
#	- Have an option to reset the highwater marks to zero.
# 	- Have an option to add a group to the config.
#	- Be able to specify articles to drop if they match a crossposted 
#	  group or regexp.

require 5.004;

$0 =~ s!.*/!!;

my $rcsID =<<'EOM';
$Id:,v 1.1 1998/10/21 07:08:29 brister Exp $

$SIG{INT} = \&outtaHere ;
$SIG{QUIT} = \&bail ;

use Net::NNTP;
use Getopt::Std ;
use IO::Handle;
use Fcntl;
use Fcntl qw(:flock);
use strict;

my $usage = $0;
my $defaultConfig = "$ENV{HOME}/.pullnews";
my $defaultPort = 119;
my $defaultHost = "localhost";

$usage =~ s!.*/!!;
$usage .= " [ -h -q -r file -g groups -c config -s host -p port ]

  -g groups	specifies a collection of groups to get. The value must be 
		a single argument with commas between group names:
			-g comp.lang.c,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.python
		the groups must be defined in the config file somewhere. 
		Only the hosts that carry those groups will be contacted.

  -c config	specifies the configuration file instead of the 
		default of $ENV{HOME}/.pullnews

  -s host	specifies the hostname to feed articles to (default 
		is $defaultHost)

  -p port	specifies the port to connect to to feed articles (default 
		is: $defaultPort).

  -r file	instead of feeding to a server $0 will instead
		create an rnews-compatible file.

  -q 		$0 will normally be verbose about what it's doing. This 
		option will make it quiet.

  -h		prints this message.

use vars qw($opt_q $opt_r $opt_s $opt_c $opt_g $opt_p $opt_h);
getopts("r:c:s:qg:p:h") || die $usage;

die $usage if $opt_h;

my @groupsToGet = ();		# empty list means all groups in config file.
my $rnews = $opt_r;
my $groupFile = $opt_c || $defaultConfig;
my $localServer = $opt_s || $defaultHost ;
my $localPort = $opt_p || $defaultPort;
my $quiet = $opt_q;

die "can\'t have both ``-s'' and ``-r''\n" if $opt_s && $opt_r;
die "``-p'' value not an integer: $opt_p\n" if $localPort !~ m!^\d+$!;

@groupsToGet = map { s!^\s*(\S+)s*!$1!; $_ } split (",", $opt_g) if $opt_g;

$| = 1 ;

my $servers = {} ;
my $sname = undef ;
my %fed = () ;
my %refused = ();
my %rejected = ();
my $pulled = {} ;
my %passwd = ();

if ($rnews) {
    open RNEWS, ">$rnews" || 
	die "cant open rnews-format ouptut: $rnews: $!\n";
    if ($rnews eq "-") {
	open LOG, ">/dev/null" || die "can\'t open /dev/null!: $!\n";
    } else {
	open LOG, ">&STDOUT" || die "can't dup stdout!: $!\n";
}  else {
    open LOG, ">&STDOUT" || die "can't dup stdout!: $!\n";

my $oldfh = select ;
$| = 1; select LOG ; $| = 1; select $oldfh;

my $lockfile = $ENV{HOME} . "/";
sysopen (LOCK, "$lockfile", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0700) ||
    die "cant create lock file ($lockfile): $!\n";
$oldfh = select ; select LOCK ; $| = 1; select $oldfh;

if (!flock (LOCK, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
    seek LOCK, 0, 0;
    my $otherpid = <LOCK>;
    chomp $otherpid;
    die "Another pullnews (pid: $otherpid) seems to be running.\n";

print LOCK "$$\n";

print LOG "Starting: ", scalar(localtime(time)), "\n\n" unless $quiet;

if (@groupsToGet && ! $quiet) {
    print LOG "Checking for specific groups:\n";
    map { printf LOG "\t%s\n", $_ } @groupsToGet ;
    print LOG "\n";

open FILE, "<$groupFile" || die "cant open group file $groupFile\n" ;
while (<FILE>) {
    next if m!^\s*\#! || m!^\s*$! ;

    if (m!^(\S+)\s*((\S+)\s+(\S+))?$!) {
	$sname = $1 ;
	$servers->{$sname} = {} ;
	$passwd{$sname} = [ $3, $4 ] if ($3 ne "");
    } elsif (m!^\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)!) {
	my ($group,$date,$high) = ($1,$2,$3) ;
	$servers->{$sname}->{$group} = [ $date, $high ];
    } elsif (m!^\s+(\S+)\s*$!) {
	# assume this is a new group
	my ($group,$date,$high) = ($1,0,0) ;
	print LOG "Looking for new group $group on $sname\n" unless $quiet ;
	$servers->{$sname}->{$group} = [ $date, $high ]; 
    } else { 
	die "Fatal error in $groupFile: $.: $_\n" ;
close FILE ;

my @servers = (@ARGV || sort keys %$servers) ;

die "No servers!\n" if ! @servers ;

my $localcxn;

if ( ! $rnews ) {
    print LOG "Connecting to downstream host: $localServer " .
	"port: $localPort ..."
	unless $quiet;

    my %localopts = ("Port" => "$localPort");
    $localcxn = Net::NNTP->new($localServer, %localopts) ||
	die "Cant connect to server $localServer\n" ;

if ( !$quiet ) {
    print LOG "done.\n\n";
    print LOG "Legend: ``.'' is an article the downstream server refused\n";
    print LOG "        ``*'' is an article the downstream server rejected\n";
    print LOG "        ``+'' is an article the downstream server accepted\n";
    print LOG "        ``x'' is an article the upstream server couldn't ";
    print LOG "give out.\n";
    print LOG "\n";

foreach my $server (@servers) {
    my ($username, $passwd);

    if (@groupsToGet > 0) {
	my $ok;
	foreach my $sgroup (keys %{$servers->{$server}}) {
	    $ok = 1 if grep($_ eq $sgroup, @groupsToGet);

	if (! $ok) {
	    # user gave -g and the server doesn't have those groups 
	    warn "Skipping server $server. Doesn't have specified groups\n";

    if (exists $passwd{$server}) {
	($username, $passwd) = @{$passwd{$server}} ;

    if (!exists($servers->{$server})) {
	warn "No such upstream host $server configured.\n" ;
	next ;

    my $shash = $servers->{$server} ;

    print LOG "connecting to upstream server $server..." unless $quiet ;
    my $upstream = Net::NNTP->new($server) ;

    if (!$upstream) {
	print LOG "failed." unless $quiet;
	warn "cant connect to upstream server $server: $!\n" ;
	next ;
    } else {
	print LOG "done.\n" unless $quiet ;

    if ($username && !$upstream->authinfo($username, $passwd)) {
	warn sprintf ("failed to authorize: %s %s\n",
		      $upstream->code(), $upstream->message());

    if (!$upstream->reader()) {
	warn sprintf ("Cant issue MODE READER command: %s %s\n",
		      $upstream->code(), $upstream->message());
	warn "We\'ll try anyway\n" ;

    foreach my $group (sort keys %{$servers->{$server}}) {
	next if (@groupsToGet && !grep ($_ eq $group, @groupsToGet));

	last if !crossFeedGroup ($upstream,$localcxn,$server,$group,$shash) ;

    $upstream->quit() ;

saveConfig () ;
stats() unless $quiet ;

print LOG "\nDone ", scalar(localtime(time)), "\n" unless $quiet;

exit (0) ;


sub stats {
    my $ltotal ;
    my $reftotal ;
    my $rejtotal ;
    my $sum;

    map { $reftotal += $refused{$_} } keys %refused;
    map { $rejtotal += $rejected{$_} } keys %rejected;
    map { $ltotal += $fed{$_} } keys %fed ;
    $sum = $reftotal + $rejtotal + $ltotal;

    printf LOG "\n%d article%s were offered to server on $localServer\n",
        $sum, ($sum != 1 ? "s" : "") ;

    return if ($sum == 0);

    printf LOG "%d article%s accepted\n",
        $ltotal, ($ltotal != 1 ? "s were" : " was") 
	    if ($ltotal != 0);
    printf LOG "%d article%s refused\n",
        $reftotal, ($reftotal != 1 ? "s were" : " was") 
	    if ($reftotal != 0);
    printf LOG "%d article%s rejected\n",
        $rejtotal, ($rejtotal != 1 ? "s were" : " was") 
	    if ($rejtotal != 0);

    map { 
	print LOG "\nUpstream server $_:\n" ; 
	my $server = $_;
	my $width = 0;

	map {
	    $width = length if length > $width;
	} sort keys %{$pulled->{$server}};

	map { 
	    printf LOG "\t%${width}s %d\n", $_, $pulled->{$server}->{$_};
	} sort keys %{$pulled->{$server}};
    } sort keys %{$pulled} ;

sub saveConfig {
    $SIG{INT} = $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';

    open FILE,">$groupFile" || die "cant open $groupFile: $!\n" ;
    my $server ;
    my $group ;

    print LOG "\nSaving config\n" unless $quiet ;
    print FILE "# Format: (date is epoch seconds)\n" ;
    print FILE "# hostname [username passwd]\n" ;
    print FILE "# 	group date high\n" ;
    foreach $server (sort keys %$servers) {
	print FILE "$server" ;
	if (defined $passwd{$server}) {
	    printf FILE " %s %s", $passwd{$server}->[0], $passwd{$server}->[1];
	print FILE "\n";
	foreach $group (sort keys %{$servers->{$server}}) {
	    my ($date,$high) = @{$servers->{$server}->{$group}} ;
	    printf FILE "\t%s %d %d\n",$group,$date,$high ;
    close FILE ;

sub outtaHere {
    saveConfig() ;
    exit (0) ;

sub bail {
    warn "received QUIT signal. Not saving config.\n";
    exit (0);

sub crossFeedGroup {
    my ($fromServer,$toServer,$server,$group,$shash) = @_ ;
    my ($date,$high) = @{$shash->{$group}} ;
    my ($prevDate,$prevHigh) = @{$shash->{$group}} ;
    my ($narticles,$first,$last,$name) = $fromServer->group($group);
    my $count ;
    my $code ;
    my $startTime = time;

    if (!defined($narticles)) { # group command failed.
	warn sprintf ("Group command failed: %s %s\n",
		      $fromServer->code(), $fromServer->message());
	return undef;

    printf LOG "\n%s:\n", $name;
    printf LOG "\tlast checked: %s\n", scalar(localtime($prevDate));
    printf LOG "\t%d articles available. First %d Last %d\n",
           $narticles, $first, $last ;
    printf LOG "\tOur current highest: %d", $prevHigh, ;
    return 0 if ! $narticles || ! $name ;

    if ($prevHigh == -1 || $last <= $prevHigh) {
	# we connected OK but there's nothing there, or we just want 
	# to reset our highwater mark.
	$shash->{$group} = [ time, $high ];
	print LOG " (nothing to get)\n";
	return 1 ;
    } else {
	my $toget = (($last - $prevHigh) < $narticles ?
		     $last - $prevHigh : $narticles);

	printf LOG " (%d to get)\n", $toget;
    my $i;
    for ($i = ($first > $high ? $first : $high + 1) ; $i <= $last ; $i++) {
	$count++ ;
	my $article = $fromServer->article($i) ;
	if ($article) {
	    my $msgid ;
	    my $headers = 1;
	    my $idx;

	    for ($idx = 0 ; $idx < @{$article} ; $idx++) {
		if ($article->[$idx] =~ m!^message-id:\s*(\S+)!i) {
		    $msgid = $1 ;

		# catch some of the more common problems with articles.
		if ($article->[$idx] =~ m!^\s+\n$!) {
		    $article->[$idx] = "\n";
		    warn "Fixing bad header line: $article->[$idx]\n";

		last if ($article->[$idx] eq "\n");

	    if (!$msgid) {
		warn "No message-id found in article\n" ;
		next ;
	    if ($rnews) {
		my $len = 0;
		map { $len += length($_) } @{$article};
		printf RNEWS "#! rnews %d\n", $len;
		map { print RNEWS $_ } @{$article};
		print LOG "+" unless $quiet;
	    } else {
		if (!$toServer->ihave($msgid,$article)) {
			my $code = $toServer->code() ;
			if ($code == 435) {
			    print LOG "." unless $quiet;
			} elsif ($code == 437) {
			    print LOG "*" unless $quiet;
			} else {
			    warn "Transfer to local server failed: ",
			        $toServer->message,"\n" ;
			        $toServer->quit() ;
		    		saveConfig() ;
		    		exit (1);
	    	} else {
			print LOG "+" unless $quiet;
			$fed{$group}++ ;
	    $shash->{$group} = [ time, $i ];
	} else {
	    print LOG "x" unless $quiet;
##	    printf LOG ("\nDEBUGGING %d %d\n", $fromServer->code(),
##			$fromServer->message());
	print LOG "\n" if (!$quiet && (($count % 50) == 0)) ;
    print LOG "\n" unless $quiet;
    printf LOG "%s article%s retrieved in %d seconds\n",
                  $count, ($count == 1 ? "" : "s"), (time - $startTime + 1);

    return 1;

package Net::NNTP ;

## Slightly modified implementation of the Net::NNTP::new function.  The
## original definition automatically sent a MODE READER command over which
## breaks when trying to feed INN via IHAVE.

sub new
 my $self = shift;
 my $type = ref($self) || $self;
 my $host = shift if @_ % 2;
 my %arg  = @_;
 my $obj;


 my $hosts = defined $host ? [ $host ] : $NetConfig{nntp_hosts};

 @{$hosts} = qw(news)
        unless @{$hosts};

 my $h;
 foreach $h (@{$hosts})
   $obj = $type->SUPER::new(PeerAddr => ($host = $h), 
                            PeerPort => $arg{Port} || 'nntp(119)',
                            Proto    => 'tcp',
                            Timeout  => defined $arg{Timeout}
                                                ? $arg{Timeout}
                                                : 120
                           ) and last;

 return undef
        unless defined $obj;

 ${*$obj}{'net_nntp_host'} = $host;

 $obj->debug(exists $arg{Debug} ? $arg{Debug} : undef);

 unless ($obj->response() == CMD_OK)
   return undef;

##++ brister removed the bit below.
## my $c = $obj->code;
## my @m = $obj->message;
## # if server is INN and we have transfer rights the we are currently
## # talking to innd not nnrpd
## if($obj->reader)
##  {
##   # If reader suceeds the we need to consider this code to determine postok
##   $c = $obj->code;
##  }
## else
##  {
##   # I want to ignore this failure, so restore the previous status.
##   $obj->set_status($c,\@m);
##  }
## ${*$obj}{'net_nntp_post'} = $c >= 200 && $c <= 209 ? 1 : 0;


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