first bunch of patches with mkstemp()

Matus "fantomas" Uhlar uhlar at
Sat Apr 8 13:07:14 UTC 2000

-> > Most hosts already have a function that returns a temporary FILE *, BTW
-> > (namely tmpfile).  I'd be inclined to use the native implementation if
-> > it's there.  I know OpenBSD's man page recommends to always use mkstemp
-> > and not rely on tmpfile due to flaws in old implementations of tmpfile,
-> > but on most modern operating systems tmpfile is equivalent in strength
-> > to mkstemp (and often even implemented by using it under the hood). 
-> > And by using standard functions, we can take advantage of any security
-> > fixes to the underlying operating system.

True, but is there a possibility to force using our function if <something>?

-> > The difference between mkstemp and tmpfile, of course (besides the fact
-> > that the first returns a file descriptor and the second a FILE *), is
-> > that mkstemp leaves the file linked in so that it can be passed to
-> > other processes, while tmpfile unlinks the file and makes it truly
-> > temporary. I'm guessing that most of INN actually wants to use tmpfile,
-> > though.  If there are a lot of functions that need a FILE * and need it
-> > to stick around, it may be worth writing a function that wraps mkstemp
-> > in an fdopen call.

OK, I'll look at the sources and functions and try to decide where to
tmpfile(), where to wrap mkstemp();

-> What I think would be best, then, is for INN to provide both mkstemp and
-> tmpfile implementations, with AC_REPLACE_FUNC(), for platforms that don't
-> have them, and then to convert all uses of temporary files anywhere in
-> INN to using either mkstemp or tmpfile as appropriate.  If there are
-> enough places that need a FILE * and need to know the name (which I don't
-> expect), we may want to write a regular function that uses mkstemp under
-> the hood to perform that operation and factor out that common code.

 Matus "fantomas" Uhlar, sysadmin at NEXTRA, Slovakia; IRCNET admin of *.sk
 uhlar at ; ;
 WinError #99999: Out of error messages.

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