another news.daily question

Matus "fantomas" Uhlar uhlar at
Wed Apr 12 11:13:23 UTC 2000

-> > What's the effect of not running news.daily daily?
-> > Will there be some problems if news.daily isn't executed at all?
-> Yes, your history file will grow without bound and articles posted to
-> groups will never have their overview information expired (and possibly
-> will never expire themselves, depending on the storage mechanism you
-> use).  The news logs will never be rotated and will also grow without
-> bound.

I would say it other way. You should run expire, rotating logs (probably
processing and mailing to admin) and also do some expire to presere your
filesystems to run out of space.

-> But it isn't necessary to run it every day, for a smaller site.  You can
-> get away with running it less frequently in some circumstances.

 Matus "fantomas" Uhlar, sysadmin at NEXTRA, Slovakia; IRCNET admin of *.sk
 uhlar at ; ;
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