makehistory takes a long time on latest CVS

Dan Merillat harik at
Tue Aug 8 22:30:11 UTC 2000

Anonymous Coward writes:
> On 6 Aug 19100, Forrest J. Cavalier III wrote:
> > > 11 hours for 2.8 million articles (3.3 million overvie)
> > 
> > That's 70 articles per second.
> That's less than three times the 5-minute-average peak incoming
> full feed rates I regularly see during spam runs for extended times...

It's worse then that.  It's closer to 45 articles/second when overview
is running in article-by-article mode (as it does inside INN).
buffindexed responds very well to newsgroup locality.

> I look at a target for 10x average article rate to give adequate
> headroom to catch up quickly, to keep apparent downtime as short
> as possible.  It's getting difficult to achieve as simply as it
> had been...

Your peak flow is around 30arts/sec? It's gonna take some doing to get
average article storage to the 3ms range.


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