makehistory / makeactive

nikki britz dyfa at
Sun Aug 27 06:52:19 UTC 2000


due to some hardwareproblems I had to move my newsserver at home to
another machine and I decided to move from 2.2.2 to 2.3.

Now I have the following situation:
- a newsspool (tradindexed) full of articles
- a virgin active (containing all groups but no current *water-info)
- a virgin history (Size 0)

makeactive is gone, ChangeLog says. What should I use instead?

'makehistory -o' is also gone. When I try 
makehistory with -O -f and so on ...
nothing actually happens. 

I think I could use some help. ;-)


  .   ,,,,    n i k k i  ' d y f a '  b r i t z
 (, ~/==      Private Homepage:
   (  )       Wellensittiche - possierliche Schreihälse:	

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