setproctitle under Solaris 7

Fletcher Mattox fletcher at
Sat Mar 18 02:59:12 UTC 2000

Per Hedeland wrote:

> To see argv modifications on Solaris, you need to a) use /usr/ucb/ps
> (seems you already are), and b) include at least one 'w' in the ps
> options. Yes, it's broken, don't believe the man page... Your 'grep
> nnrp' won't find anything once you include a 'w' though, and the output
> looks like sh*t.

Here's a little script which addresses these problems.


# INN's setproctitle doesn't work well in Solaris 7.
# This script tries to make it look better.

open(PGREP, 'pgrep nnrpd |');
while ( <PGREP> ) {
exit unless @pids;

open(PS, '/usr/ucb/ps augxww |');
while ( <PS> ) {
    print if /^USER/;;
    $line = $_;
    @A = split(' ',$_);
    for $pid ( @pids ) {
	if ($pid eq $A[1]) {
	    $line =~ s/\;
	    $line =~ s/                 .*//;
	    print $line;
print STDERR qq|Ooops, take a look at PID: @pids\n| if $cnt;

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