INN config file parsing infrastructure

Forrest J. Cavalier III mibsoft at
Thu May 4 16:02:15 UTC 2000

I think the allowance of "" surrounding booleans and integers
is invitation to confusion.

> This is a good point.  On the other hand, I really don't want to get into
> handling the full set of C backslash sequences, at least for right now
> until we have some pressing need for them.  INN doesn't really need the
> ability to embed newlines in a string; shall we just say that escaped
> newlines disappear completely like they do in C?

I think the following should be done.  (And tested code follows for
string translating.)

Configuration String Values
String values (and only string values) are surrounded by 

Within a string, the following escape sequences
are recognized and translated:
    \x<DD> where <DD> is two characters from the set [0-9A-Fa-f]

To embed a doublequote character in a string, use \x22.

Line Continuation
For readability, strings may continue across more than one
text line, as long as the last non-blank character on a line
is '\'.  In the case of such continuation, the backslash and
any spaces or tabs which follow up to and including the newline
are discarded.  

To embed a newline in a string use the \n escape sequence.

Note that it is considered a syntax error to continue a string
across a linebreak unless the '\' properly appears.  The parser
will recognize this as a syntax error.

/* decodeCBE placed in the public domain.  4 May 2000
   Forrest J. Cavalier III


#include <ctype.h>

char *decodeCBE(char *pszBackslashEscaped,int *pcb)
  Translate backslash escapes of the form:
    \f \t \n \r \b \xXX '\\' \0
  Other characters which follow a backslash character are
  stored literally (but the backslash itself is not returned.)

  if (pcb), the number of characters in the translated
     string is stored at *pcb.  This allows \0 to be
     used within the string.
/* We can work in place, since we know dptr <= sptr always. */
char *sptr = pszBackslashEscaped;
char *dptr = sptr;
char *ptr;

    while(*sptr) {
        if ((*sptr == '\n')||(*sptr == '\r')) {
            /* Syntax error.  Backslash must appear at end of line */
            sptr++; /* ignore */
        } else if (*sptr != '\\') {
            *dptr++ = *sptr++;
        } else {
            /* Got a backslash */
            ptr = sptr;
            while ((*ptr == ' ')||(*ptr == '\t')) {
            if ((*ptr == '\r')||(*ptr == '\n')) {
                /* Backslash at end of line.  Discard */
                if ((*ptr == '\r')&&(ptr[1]=='\n')) {
                    ptr += 2;
                } else {
                sptr = ptr;
            } else {
                if (*sptr == 't') {
                    *dptr++ = 0x09;
                } else if (*sptr == '\\') {
                    *dptr++ = '\\';
                } else if (*sptr == 'n') {
                    *dptr++ = 0x0a;
                } else if (*sptr == 'f') {    /* 10-3-95 */
                    *dptr++ = '\f';
                } else if (*sptr == 'r') {
                    *dptr++ = 0x0d;
                } else if (*sptr == 'b') {
                    *dptr++ = 0x08;
                } else if (*sptr == '0') {
                    *dptr++ = '\0';
                } else if (*sptr == 'x') {
                    /* Specify in hex. This does no character validity checking. */
                    if (isdigit(*sptr)) {
                        *dptr = *sptr - '0';
                    } else {
                        *dptr = toupper(*sptr)-'A' + 10;
                    *dptr <<= 4;
                    if (isdigit(*sptr)) {
                        *dptr += *sptr - '0';
                    } else {
                        *dptr += toupper(*sptr)-'A' + 10;
                } else { /* Other escape.  Send as literal Debateably a syntax error */
                    *dptr++ = *sptr++;
    *dptr = '\0';
    if (pcb) {
        *pcb = dptr - pszBackslashEscaped;
    return pszBackslashEscaped;
} /* decodeCBE */

#ifdef TEST_decodeCBE
char *tests[] = {
    "This is a\\ttest",
    "This is \x61\\ttest",
    "This is \x61\\tte\\    \r\nst",
    "This is \x61\\tte\\    \rst",
    "This is \x61\\tte\\    \nst",
    "This is \x61\\tte\\\r\nst",
    "This is \x61\\tte\\\rst",
    "This is \x61\\tte\\\nst",
    "This is a \\\\test",
    "{This is a \\n test}",
    char buf[1024];
    int i;
    i = 0;
    while(tests[i]) {
} /* main */


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