cant bind to RCreader

Kevin McKinnon kevin at
Wed Sep 6 18:44:34 UTC 2000

> I am unable to start innd no matter what I do.  When I run it in debug
> mode I get an error: innd SERVER cant bind RCreader Permission Denied.
> I am using Red Hat 6.2 and the version of innd that comes with it.  I
> saw a posting in the archives wth the same problem but no answer.  Does
> anyone know what is going on?  Thanks.

Hi Shain,

Check ~news/bin/inndstart to ensure that it's owned by root and that 
the SUID bit is set in its permissions.  It sounds like innd is 
running as a non-root user and trying to bind to port 119 and cannot 
do it.
Also, ensure that no other process is running bound to port 119 -- 
ie: an old version of the news daemon.


Kevin McKinnon, Sr. News Administrator              news at
Sunshine Communications Cable Internet
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