innfeed problem with 439 response

Fletcher Mattox fletcher at
Fri Sep 8 15:19:28 UTC 2000

Upon upgrading from a Mar 13 snapshot to 2.3, innfeed consistently
faults in processResponse439() when sending an article with a very long
message-id to an nntprelay site (always

program terminated by signal BUS (invalid address alignment)
Current function is processResponse439
 2753             hostArticleNotWanted (cxn->myHost, cxn, artHolder->article);
(dbx) where
=>[1] processResponse439(cxn = 0xc00d0, response = 0x1296c8 "439 <8bi5k1.3vu15jl.0 at Da-muss-ich-ja-einen-ganzen-Roman-schreiben-um-auf-420Zeichen-pro-Zeile-zu-kommen-aber-dass-muss-jetzt-einfach-sein-Im-Voraus-schonmal-Entschuldigung-an-alle-die-das-hier-fuer-kindisch-halten-aber-ich-bin-nunmal-so-und-wenn-Ina-420-Zeiche>"), line 2753 in "connection.c"
  [2] responseIsRead(e = 0xca108, i = IoDone, b = 0x124420, d = 0xc00d0), line 1771 in "connection.c"
  [3] Run(), line 789 in "endpoint.c"
  [4] main(argc = 0, argv = 0xffbef8e4), line 536 in "main.c"
(dbx) p artHolder
artHolder = 0x1
(dbx) p *cxn
*cxn = {
    myHost                = 0xbd5f8
    myEp                  = 0xca108
    ident                 = 4U
    state                 = cxnFeedingS
    checkHead             = (nil)
    checkRespHead         = 0xf49b0
    takeHead              = (nil)
    takeRespHead          = (nil)
    articleQTotal         = 25U
    missing               = (nil)
    respBuffer            = 0xa9854
    ipName                = 0xa3870 ""
    maxCheck              = 25U
    port                  = 119U
    articleReceiptTimeout = 428U
    artReceiptTimerId     = 0
    readTimeout           = 300U
    readBlockedTimerId    = 745
    writeTimeout          = 300U
    writeBlockedTimerId   = 0
    flushTimeout          = 3259U
    flushTimerId          = 74
    sleepTimeout          = 30U
    sleepTimerId          = 0
    loggedNoCr            = false
    immedRecon            = false
    doesStreaming         = true
    quitWasIssued         = false
    needsChecks           = true
    timeCon               = 967310415
    artsTaken             = 63U
    checksIssued          = 63U
    checksRefused         = 39U
    takesRejected         = 0
    takesOkayed           = 0
    takesSizeRejected     = 0.0
    takesSizeOkayed       = 0.0
    onThreshold           = 47.5
    offThreshold          = 45.0
    filterValue           = 0.0
    lowPassFilter         = 50.0
    next                  = 0xbfef0

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