Natterings about history files

Bill Davidsen davidsen at
Sun Feb 11 14:03:30 UTC 2001

On Sat, 10 Feb 2001, Fabien Tassin wrote:

> I've tried to evaluate the gain in having multiple history files but I'm
> not convinced it will be that interesting. The problem is more in
> the expire design than in history. We want it to undo very quickly what has
> been done in a day. A discrete approach should give better results.
> I see two ways to achieve that : a cyclic history (constant size)
> or an expired. The later is easier because it require no change to the
> model to bring the pure CNFS performances to other spool methods. The
> bad point is that it still need to be periodically cleaned.

My view is that trying to eliminate the performance hit of expire is like
trying to improve the code in a bubble sort. No matter how cleverly you
code it, it is still not efficient.

Your comment about CNFS type performance is sort of on the track of what I
was thinking, but how about an expire daemon which simply trims old info
as it reaches /remember/ time? Going to history per day would make that
quite easy, going to a database (and based on how well db hasn't worked
for many people, some *other* database) setup would allow deletion on the

The argument for this is that the speed of the server stays more nearly
constant, and if it can keep up it will. The against is that you can
probably be more efficient doing an expire in batch. But we are talking a
small number of articles per day compared to systems which do an order of
magnitude more and keep up.

Certainly s steady state would be desirable, I'm working Sunday because of
an expire problem, maybe I'm biased. But expire seems to have more
problems than anything else since CNFS came on board, and low time cost is
really important to keeping INN viable.

My take on it...

bill davidsen <davidsen at>
  CTO, TMR Associates, Inc
Doing interesting things with little computers since 1979.

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