Authentication blues

Zenon Panoussis oracle at
Mon Feb 26 05:15:55 UTC 2001

> Hmm.  Try this:  (note that the string in quotes at the start of each
> block is essentially meaningless -- treat it as a comment)


Suddenly it works, and I can't figure what was wrong. I eliminated 
possible confusion by removing all auth/access groups except the 
password-protected one and ended up with 

auth "cleared" {
     hosts:    "*"
     auth:     "ckpasswd -f /usr/local/news/etc/passwords"

access "cleared" {
     users:      "*"
     read:       "*,!control*,!junk"

The default: "<fail>" part doesn't seem to be needed, except 
perhaps in case the authentication system would fail and let 
is somebody with a non-matching pair of username/password. 

Thank you (and Russ) for your help. 


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