Newbie needs help

Pepijn Vissers vissers at
Mon Jan 22 13:43:11 UTC 2001


Being all new to INN, I tried to get it to work on OpenBSD 2.8. I got pretty
far but I am stuck; FAQ's and DejaNews did not help me out, but I am sure it
is something trivial (sorry):

How can I get a remote server to fill the newsgroups I have ??
For example: I made nl.test and I'd like to synch it with,
so that my readers see all the posts casema has in its nl.test...

- is my provider 
- it is in incoming.conf : peer {}
- nl.test is in my active file
- I tried actsync and nntpget. It connects to the casema server, but nothing
happens, although there is a lot of traffic.

I am sure it is something trivial, but I c-a-n-t find it..

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

P. Vissers

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