disk space requirements

Alex Kiernan alexk at demon.net
Wed Nov 20 12:20:40 UTC 2002

"Jeffrey M. Vinocur" <jeff at litech.org> writes:

> On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, Paul Reilly wrote:
> > > I think something is wrong -- are you using Cleanfeed to filter misplaced
> > > binaries?  If so, have you updated it to handle yEnc?
> >
> > yep, we use cleanfeed. what is yEnc ?
> A new binary encoding method that's become a major player recently.  In 
> the "sub is_binary" section of Cleanfeed, you probably want to add one of 
> the following.  The first one is from Russ; I don't actually remember who 
> provided the second one,

Miquel van Smoorenburg ISTR.

> but I added it when I was trying to track down 
> some misplaced binaries hoping it would be more aggressive.  I'm not sure 
> if it's actually making a big difference.

The second is more correct IMO, the first would catch articles where
people were discussing yEnc encoding for example.

>     if ($hdr{__BODY__} =~ /^=ybegin (.+)$/m) {
>         local $_ = $1;
>         if (/line=/ and /size=/ and /name=/) {
>             $Cache_Is_Binary = 1;
>             return 1;
>         }
>     }
>     if ($hdr{__BODY__} =~ 
> m/^=ybegin[^\n]+\n(?>(?:=ypart[^\n]+\n)?)(?>[^\r\n]{62,999}\r?\n){40}/mo) 
> {
>         $Cache_Is_Binary = 1;
>         return 1;
>     }

Alex Kiernan, Principal Engineer, Development, THUS plc

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