throttle File exists writing SMstore file -- throttling

Mark Hoover mhoover at
Mon Oct 7 12:52:37 UTC 2002

Thanks for the help!  I found out it's a bad idea to do the below when on =
has SUed
to root, but after re-chowning the entire /var/spool/news directory =
structure it's
back to functioning properly.

>>> INN Workers Mailing List <inn-workers at> 09/28/02 02:50AM >>>

Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 10:53:55 -0500 (EST)
From: "Paul R. Coen" <PCOEN at>
Subject: Re: throttle File exists writing SMstore file -- throttling

Funny, this just happened to me last week on our server as well. I found
the the stepts you outlined below only worked if I did the following:

1) Removed at least group.index from the overview directory. (I didn't
actually trust any of the data, so I just blew all of it away)
2) makehistory -O -x -F
3) started news
4) ctlinnd renumber ""

Untill I did step #1, I kept seeing the same thing you have. I'm using
INN 2.3.3, tradspool, tradindexed.

>throttle File exists writing SMstore file -- throttling

>If I restart INN, the server will stay up for awhile, however, the next =
>transmission of news articles will shutdown the server again.  I've also =
>tried running the following:

>makehistory -O -x -F

>as well as...

>ctlinnd renumber ""

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