Removing articles from the history file

Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen larsi at
Tue Oct 15 13:27:13 UTC 2002

Katsuhiro Kondou <Katsuhiro_Kondou at> writes:

> Unfortunately, you cannot.  dbz refuses to add already
> existed data which mean duplicated Message-ID.


I found a different method to renumber articles, though.  I've
altered the prunehistory command to overwrite the storage token in
the history file with a new storage token.  That's possible since the
tokens have identical length.  And that pretty much achieves
everything I need.  (I also have to alter the Xrefs header, do a
rebuild of the overview file and do at "ctlinnd renumber group", but
that's easy enough.  :-)

(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
   larsi at * Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen

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