INN 2.4.0 dumps core on Solaris 9

Nathan Coraor nate at
Tue Oct 21 20:55:06 UTC 2003

"Russ Allbery" said:
> Yeah, although there would be more information if INN had been built with
> debugging symbols.  But that's smelling like a corrupt tradindexed
> database.  Try running tdx-util -F and see if that can fix it.

  I built it with '-g' given to cc, not sure why there's not more
  information.  tdx-util yields "interesting" output:

  > tdx-util -F
  tdx-util: tradindexed: 40 bytes of trailing trash in /var/news/spool/overview/group.index
  tdx-util: tradindexed: entry 4611 has a delete time but a non-zero hash
  tdx-util: tradindexed: entry 4611 is deleted but not in the free list
  tdx-util: tradindexed: entry 0 is in bucket 0 instead of its correct bucket 10059
  Segmentation fault


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