xfering newsgroups ?

Rajeev Lamba Rajeev.Lamba at Sun.COM
Thu Jul 15 15:21:53 UTC 2004

 >    Linkname: Feed all articles on a server to another server
 >         URL: >    Linkname: Feed all articles on a server to another server
 >         URL: http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/faqs/inn.html#S6.4

Do we need to rebuild history/overview database after all articles get
xfered to new server ?

Could we just test a single newsgroup migration using this method before
migrating all newsgroups articles to verify.Seems this would build list
of all news articles on the news server to be xfered.

     cd pathdb
     perl -ne 'chomp; ($a,$b,$_) = split " "; print "$_\n" if $_' history \
         | tr . / > pathoutgoing/list

thanks for your help.


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