INN stable problem that has existed since 20040518

Russ Allbery rra at
Wed May 19 18:45:23 UTC 2004

The Doctor <doctor at> writes:

> And still does

It's fixed in CVS.  As usual, I don't have any direct control over the
snapshot generation process.  The problem is that there isn't a way to get
into the system where the actual CVS repository is stored without using a

I am sorry about the problems caused by this.  I've been toying for a
while with moving the whole INN CVS repository to Subversion, which among
other things would let it be easily remotely accessible using one of a
number of access control mechanisms, most likely client certificates.
Less aggressively, maybe I can get rsyncd set up on the CVS repository
host and allowing connections from a few places, one of which would
generate the snapshots.

Russ Allbery (rra at             <>

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