innd: SERVER cant listen RCreader Address already in use

Christoph Biedl cbiedl at
Tue Oct 26 19:43:13 UTC 2004

Eriberto wrote...

> What is this? How to stop this messages?

Are you running Linux and IPv6? You can probably ignore that message if
everything is doing fine.

    /* Set it up to wait for connections. */
    if (listen(i, MAXLISTEN) < 0) {
        j = errno;
        syslog(L_FATAL, "%s cant listen RCreader %m", LogName);
        /* some IPv6 systems already listening on any address will 
           return EADDRINUSE when trying to listen on the IPv4 socket */
        if (j == EADDRINUSE)

should be re-ordered to

    /* Set it up to wait for connections. */
    if (listen(i, MAXLISTEN) < 0) {
        j = errno;
        /* some IPv6 systems already listening on any address will 
           return EADDRINUSE when trying to listen on the IPv4 socket */
        if (j == EADDRINUSE)
        syslog(L_FATAL, "%s cant listen RCreader %m", LogName);

but I've successfully procrastinated to report this.


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