example of innd running from xinetd

Bill Tangren bjt at aa.usno.navy.mil
Tue Sep 28 13:54:31 UTC 2004

Russ Allbery wrote:
> Bill Tangren <bjt at aa.usno.navy.mil> writes:
>>These are some things I've tried:
>>I created a file called /etc/xinetd.d/nntps
>>service nntps
>>         socket_type     = stream
>>         protocol        = tcp
>>         wait            = no
>>         user            = news
>>         disable         = no
>>         server          = /news/bin/nnrpd
>>         server_args     = -DS -p563
> Does it work any better if you don't use either the -D or the -p flags?
> You shouldn't need them with that configuration, and they may be causing
> your problem.


At least part of my problem stems from something earlier. I am trying to 
  upgrade a server. The old server had inn 2.3.5 and a lot of posts to 
several internal newsgroups. I copied the old posts to the new server 
(after building the server). I issued this command:

makehistory -f -O -x

Unfortunately, I issued it as root. I got no errors, so I thought it 
worked. I was wrong. I reissued the command as news, but the damage was 
done, I think. I can't get my newsreader to access the groups. Upon 
reading the makehistory man pages, it seems I was supposed to run the 
makedbz command.

When trying to recreate a news server with old posts, which commands 
should I issue? Do I need to run makedbz? Or will the above makehistory 


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