storage.conf: Using "flag" as a storage key

Christoph Biedl cbiedl at
Tue May 31 16:59:11 UTC 2005


I want to play with the 'dontrejectfiltered' option in inn.conf on a
transit server.

One thing I miss after a first check of the manpages: I'd like to store
these "flagged" articles (i.e. rejected by cleanfeed but _not_ dropped,
is there a better word for this?) in a separate buffer. This buffer may
be rather small, e.g. rotate in 24 hours. That's enough time to retrieve
the article in case I'd like to know why cleanfeed didn't like it but it
wouldn't consume to much disk space/history/etc. Otherwise "Binary in
non-binary group" articles would have an impact on the retenition time of
regular articles.

Is it possible to use this flag as a storage criteria? A very short
glance into the sources suggests this should be not too difficult.


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