Snapshots and test suite

Julien ÉLIE julien at
Mon Dec 1 18:51:03 UTC 2008


I see that CURRENT has not been generated today.  I believe it is a problem
of dependencies in the test suite.  I changed something in innd/art.c yesterday
(to use a buffer for Lines:) and the test suite coredumped for innd/artparse.t
because it was not regenerated from source.

Russ, would it be possible to add:

    cd tests
    make maintclean
    cd ..

before running the test suite?

Is it enough to put it in support/mksnapshot?  Will it do the trick for
what you are using to generate the snapshots?

Julien ÉLIE

« Pourquoi contredire une femme ? Il est tellement plus simple
  d'attendre qu'elle change d'avis... » (Feydeau)

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