MIME::Parser with CURRENT

Julien ÉLIE julien at trigofacile.com
Sat Jan 10 11:59:32 UTC 2009


If you are using CURRENT, do not forget to install the MIME::Parser module
the next time you update your INN installation.  Oterwise, controlchan will
be broken.

For Debian, it is the "libmime-perl" module:

In CPAN, it is in "MIME-tools":

If you are using a version anterior to Perl 5.8.0, you will also need the
Encode module.
(Not yet implemented in controlchan, but will soon be.)

Julien ÉLIE

« -- Tu n'as rien remarqué d'étrange chez cet Arverne ?
  -- Oui, son accent. » (Astérix)

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