Ticket #90 (innreport mishandles leap years)

Alexander Bartolich alexander.bartolich at gmx.at
Sun Jan 11 16:28:24 UTC 2009

Julien ÉLIE wrote:
> [...]
> I have an issue when I run innreport with the patch (even on a normal
> news.notice file):
>    Illegal division by zero at ./innreport line 1697.
>  foreach $key (sort keys %$dates) {
>    $x_min = $key if $x_min > $key;
>    $x_max = $$dates{$key} if $x_max < $$dates{$key};
> --> my $t = $$out{$key} / ($$dates{$key} - $key);
>    $y_max_out = $t if $y_max_out < $t;
>    $t = $$in{$key} / ($$dates{$key} - $key);
>    $y_max_in = $t if $y_max_in < $t;
>  }

Processing your test input now creates the following line in innreport.db:

    news-notice.2009.01.09-19.27.58.html|Jan  9 19:27:58 -- Jan  9 19:27:58|0|0|0.0 KB|0|0|0.0 KB

Reading that line in again causes the division by zero.
Yet another missing sanity check. *sigh*

Index: innreport.in
--- innreport.in	(revision 8286)
+++ innreport.in	(working copy)
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
  # to this file.

  use strict;
-use Carp qw(confess);
+use Carp qw( cluck confess );

  ## Do you want to create a Web page. Pick DO or DONT.
  my $HTML = "DONT";
@@ -329,15 +329,14 @@
  my $unrecognize_max = 0;
  my @unrecognize;
  my ($total_line, $total_size) = (0, 0);
-my ($suffix, $HTML_output, %config, $first_date, $last_date,
-    %prog_type, %prog_size);
-my ( $isLeapYear, @month_to_dayofyear, %month_to_dayofyear );
+my ($suffix, $HTML_output, %config, %prog_type, %prog_size);
+my ( @month_to_dayofyear, %month_to_dayofyear );

    my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
    $year += 1900;
-  $isLeapYear =
+  my $isLeapYear =
     (($year % 4 == 0) && ($year % 100 != 0)) || ($year % 400 == 0);

    @month_to_dayofyear = $isLeapYear
@@ -364,9 +363,6 @@
  my $HTML_header = '';
  my $HTML_footer = '';

-my $MIN = 1E10;
-my $MAX = -1;
  my $xmax = &GetValue ($output{'default'}{'graph_width'})   # Graph size..
    if defined $output{'default'}{'graph_width'};
  $xmax = 550 unless $xmax;
@@ -377,14 +373,26 @@

  my $repeated = 1;

-my $first_date_cvt = $MIN;
-my $last_date_cvt = $MAX;
+# 1E30 is a very large number: Digit '1' followed by thirty zeroes.
+# With binary radix the number has 100 digits.
+# On contemporary hardware Perl converts it to the maximum value of
+# an unsigned integer (either 32 or 64 bit).

+my $first_date = undef;    # lowest encountered date
+my $first_date_cvt = 1E30; # = &ConvDate($first_date)
+my $last_date = undef;     # highest encountered date
+my $last_date_cvt = -1;    # = &ConvDate($last_date)

-my $s = sprintf "use lib qw($LIBPATH); use $CLASS;";
-eval $s;  # initialization
-die "Can't find/load $CLASS.pm : $@\n" if $@;
+if (length($CLASS) == 0)
+  die 'No log reader module specified. Configuration file broken?';
+  eval "use lib qw($LIBPATH); use $CLASS;";  # initialization
+  die "Can't find/load $CLASS.pm : $@\n" if $@;

  my $collectFunc;
@@ -503,13 +511,24 @@

  die "No data. Abort.\n" unless $total_line;

-my $sec_glob = &ConvDate($last_date) - &ConvDate($first_date);
-unless ($sec_glob) {
-  print "WARNING: bad date (\"$last_date\" or \"$first_date\")\n" .
-        "         Please, contact the author of innreport.\n";
-  $sec_glob = 24 * 60 * 60; # one day
+sub secondsBetweenFirstAndLast()
+  my $default = 24 * 60 * 60; # one day
+  return $default if (!defined($first_date));
+  if (!defined($last_date))
+  {
+    $last_date = $first_date;
+    $last_date_cvt = $first_date_cvt;
+    return $default;
+  }
+  my $result = $last_date_cvt - $first_date_cvt;
+  return ($result > 0) ? $result : $default;

+my $sec_glob = secondsBetweenFirstAndLast();
  $HTML_output = '';

  if ($HTML) {
@@ -606,9 +625,13 @@
  # Misc...

-# Compare 2 dates (+hour)
+# Compare two time stamps
+# Example input: "May 12 06"   for May 12, 6:00am
+# - Only month, day of month and hour are checked, minutes and seconds
+#   are ignored
+# - Used with perl's sort function, arguments are passed as $a and $b
+# - Specified in section "inn_flow" of innreport.conf
  sub DateCompare {
-  # ex: "May 12 06"   for May 12, 6:00am

    # $[ ... The index of the first element in an array, and of the first
    #        character in a substring. Default is 0.
@@ -617,6 +640,12 @@
    # The 2 dates are near. The range is less than a few days that's why we
    # can cheat to determine the order. It is only important if one date
    # is in January and the other in December.
+  #
+  # Assume that every month has 36 days: 36 * 24 / 3 = 288
+  # If dates differ for more than 300 days they are assumed to be in
+  # different years. However, this limit of 300 is based on a year of
+  # 12 * 36 = 432 days. Mapped to a year of 365 days the limit is
+  # 300 / 432 * 365 = 253.310 days

    my $date1 = substr ($a, 4, 2) * 24;
    my $date2 = substr ($b, 4, 2) * 24;
@@ -700,10 +729,23 @@
  # Date format is "Aug 22 01:49:40"
  sub ConvDate($) {
    my $T = shift;
+  if (!$T)
+  {
+    cluck 'Parameter $T is undefined.' if ($DEBUG);
+    return undef;
+  }
    my ($m, $d, $h, $mn, $s) = $T =~ /^(\S\S\S)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)$/;
-  confess "Invalid date $T" unless($m);
+  if (!$m)
+  {
+    cluck "Invalid date $T" if ($DEBUG);
+    return undef;
+  }
    $m = $month_to_dayofyear{ $m };
-  confess "Invalid month name in $T" unless($m);
+  if (!$m)
+  {
+    cluck "Invalid month name in $T" if ($DEBUG);
+    return undef;
+  }
    return $s + 60 * $mn + 3600 * $h + 86400 * ($d + $m);

@@ -1050,9 +1092,18 @@
  	next unless $year; # bad filename.. strange.
  	my ($start, $end) =
  	  $res[$date_idx - 1] =~ m/^(\w+\s+\d+ \S+) -- (\w+\s+\d+ \S+)$/o;
-	next unless $start; # bad date
+        if (!$start)
+	{
+	  warn "Invalid line in DB file ignored: $k" if ($DEBUG);
+	  next;
+	}
  	$start = &ConvDate ($start);
  	$end = &ConvDate ($end);
+	if ($start - $end == 0)
+	{
+	  warn "Time range 0 in DB file ignored: $k" if ($DEBUG);
+	  next;
+	}
  	# 31/12 - 1/1 ?
  	my $inc = $end < $start ? 1 : 0;
  	$start += (($year - 1970) * 365 +
@@ -1652,9 +1703,10 @@
    foreach $key (sort keys %$dates) {
      $x_min = $key if $x_min > $key;
      $x_max = $$dates{$key} if $x_max < $$dates{$key};
-    my $t = $$out{$key} / ($$dates{$key} - $key);
+    my $delta = $dates->{$key} - $key;
+    my $t = $out->{$key} / $delta;
      $y_max_out = $t if $y_max_out < $t;
-    $t = $$in{$key} / ($$dates{$key} - $key);
+    $t = $in->{$key} / $delta;
      $y_max_in = $t if $y_max_in < $t;
    $y_max = $y_max_out > $y_max_in ? $y_max_out : $y_max_in;

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