rc.news: checking whether we run as the news user

Russ Allbery eagle at eyrie.org
Tue Oct 21 02:33:35 UTC 2014

Noel Butler <noel.butler at ausics.net> writes:

> As above (it also takes about 15 mins at most these days to build
> anything, even the kernel ( yes a great deal of sys admins even do this)
> but the one exception I find is debian users, they are either too scared
> or clueless to build software, or have been bitten by debians pkg
> management andhave had many lost sleep hours trying to fix their debpkg
> systems that break, and cry like little so'n so's everytime you want to
> remove a pkg, it wants to take out half the installed pkgs on the system
> with it breaking things.

Given that this sort of comment tends to provoke a variety of reactions,
let me head that off right away: There are lots of lots of places on the
Internet to get into extended discussions about the merits of one
distribution or another.  Let's please not make this another one of them.
It's entirely off-topic for this mailing list.

People make their own decisions about whether to build stuff themselves or
not for lots of different reasons, and it's all good.  The mailing list is
full of people who build their own versions of INN, so you're certainly
not going to see any disagreement here that building daemons from source
is occasionally a good idea.  :)

Russ Allbery (eagle at eyrie.org)              <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

    Please send questions to the list rather than mailing me directly.
     <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/faqs/questions.html> explains why.

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