access question

Russ Allbery eagle at
Wed Sep 10 02:13:58 UTC 2014

Nick Edwards <nick.z.edwards at> writes:

> Ahh OK, I was close, I think, so, default: <custs> should in fact be

No, I think what you wanted is:

    access custs {
        users: "<custs>"
        newsgroups: *

Remember this mantra: readers.conf works by assigning an identity to a
connection, and then giving privileges to that identity.  So, first, add
auth blocks that assign identities to incoming users.  Then, second,
assign access to the resulting identities.

If you leave off users entirely, that means "give any user this access,"
which in turn means that any incoming connection that matches any of the
auth stanzas will get those permissions unless something later in the file
overrides them.  You generally do not want to do this for most cases.
It's better to assign an explicit identity and then reference that in the
access block.

Russ Allbery (eagle at              <>

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