IRRToolSet 5.1.2 released , error: possibly undefined macro:

Nick Hilliard (INEX) nick at
Sat Oct 19 17:33:37 UTC 2019

James W. Laferriere wrote on 19/10/2019 18:25:
>   -prompt         Prompt
>                  Default value: "rpslcheck> "

right.  This is a side effect of the PrintUsage() function, which is 
library function generic to all the binaries.  It doesn't make sense in 
the context of rpslcheck though, because this command accepts and parses 
RPSL objects on stdin, rather than accepting commands and printing 
output.  It's a minor display bug that the "-help" parameter shows 
"rpslcheck> ", but I don't think it's worth fixing.


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