[Kea-users] DHCP4 MySQL Host Reservation Troubles

Bryan Perry bryan at sfcn.org
Tue May 10 16:15:28 UTC 2016

Hi All,

I have been working on deploying Kea 1.0.0 in a shared subnet 
configuration where all incoming DHCP requests should be coming from 
DHCP relays. One of the subnets has no pool and will be used strictly 
for static host reservations. I believe it is mostly working with the 
exception of host reservation entries in the MySQL database. Kea seems 
to be selecting a subnet other than what is defined in the MySQL hosts 
table entry. I'm wondering if someone could help shed a little light on 
this subject?

I will include below (sanitized a bit, of course) the subnet 
configuration, the SQL insert statement used, and the debug logging for 
the DHCP event.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions, and please let me know if there 
is any other required information that I can provide.


# Use MySQL lease database backend to store leases in a database.
   "lease-database": {
     "type": "mysql",
     "name": "kea",
     "host": "",
     "user": "********",
     "password": "********"

## Use MySQL hosts database backend to store hosts in a database.
   "hosts-database": {
     "type": "mysql",
     "name": "kea",
     "host": "",
     "user": "********",
     "password": "********"

   "subnet4": [
     {  "subnet": "AAA.BBB.169.0/24",
        "id": 169,
#       "pools": [ { "pool": "AAA.BBB.169.254 - AAA.BBB.169.254" } ],
        "interface": "eno2",
        "relay": { "ip-address": "AAA.BBB.169.1" },
        "option-data": [
           {"name": "domain-name-servers", "code": 6, "data": 
"AAA.BBB.240.4,AAA.BBB.240.20", "space": "dhcp4"},
           {"name": "routers", "code": 3, "data": "AAA.BBB.170.1", 
"space": "dhcp4"}
     {  "subnet": "AAA.BBB.170.0/24",
        "id": 170,
        "pools": [ { "pool": "AAA.BBB.170.2 - AAA.BBB.170.254" } ],
        "interface": "eno2",
        "relay": { "ip-address": "AAA.BBB.169.1" },
        "option-data": [
           {"name": "domain-name-servers", "code": 6, "data": 
"AAA.BBB.240.4,AAA.BBB.240.20", "space": "dhcp4"},
           {"name": "routers", "code": 3, "data": "AAA.BBB.170.1", 
"space": "dhcp4"}
     {  "subnet": "AAA.BBB.171.0/24",
        "id": 171,
        "pools": [ { "pool": "AAA.BBB.171.2 - AAA.BBB.171.254" } ],
        "interface": "eno2",
        "relay": { "ip-address": "AAA.BBB.169.1" },
        "option-data": [
           {"name": "domain-name-servers", "code": 6, "data": 
"AAA.BBB.240.4,AAA.BBB.240.20", "space": "dhcp4"},
           {"name": "routers", "code": 3, "data": "AAA.BBB.171.1", 
"space": "dhcp4"}

  INSERT INTO hosts (dhcp_identifier, dhcp_identifier_type, 
dhcp4_subnet_id, dhcp6_subnet_id, ipv4_address, hostname) VALUES 
(UNHEX("9457a5ba6361"), 0, 169,  2, INET_ATON('AAA.BBB.169.10'), 

2016-05-10 11:26:26.861 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] 
DHCP4_BUFFER_RECEIVED received buffer from to over interface eno2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.862 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.options/13676] 
DHCP4_BUFFER_UNPACK parsing buffer received from to over interface eno2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.862 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.dhcp4/13676] 
DHCP4_CLASS_ASSIGNED [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: client packet has been 
assigned to the following class(es): VENDOR_CLASS_MSFT 5.0
2016-05-10 11:26:26.862 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] 
DHCP4_SUBNET_SELECTION_FAILED [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: failed to select subnet for 
the client
2016-05-10 11:26:26.862 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.bad-packets/13676] 
DHCP4_PACKET_DROP_0002 [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8, from interface eno2: no 
suitable subnet configured for a direct client
2016-05-10 11:26:26.862 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] 
DHCP4_BUFFER_WAIT waiting for next DHCPv4 packet with timeout 1000 ms
2016-05-10 11:26:26.863 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] 
DHCP4_BUFFER_RECEIVED received buffer from AAA.BBB.170.1:67 to over interface eno2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.863 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.options/13676] 
DHCP4_BUFFER_UNPACK parsing buffer received from AAA.BBB.170.1 to over interface eno2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.863 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.dhcp4/13676] 
DHCP4_CLASS_ASSIGNED [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: client packet has been 
assigned to the following class(es): VENDOR_CLASS_MSFT 5.0
2016-05-10 11:26:26.863 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] 
DHCP4_PACKET_RECEIVED [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: DHCPDISCOVER (type 1) 
received from AAA.BBB.170.1 to on interface eno2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.863 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] DHCP4_QUERY_DATA 
[hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
tid=0xe89e87a8, packet details: local_address=, 
remote_adress=AAA.BBB.170.1:67, msg_type=DHCPDISCOVER (1), 
   type=012, len=008: "CST-1-HP" (string)
   type=050, len=004: (ipv4-address)
   type=053, len=001: 1 (uint8)
   type=055, len=013: 1(uint8) 3(uint8) 6(uint8) 15(uint8) 31(uint8) 
33(uint8) 43(uint8) 44(uint8) 46(uint8) 47(uint8) 121(uint8) 249(uint8) 
   type=060, len=008: "MSFT 5.0" (string)
   type=061, len=007: 01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61
2016-05-10 11:26:26.863 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] 
DHCP4_SUBNET_SELECTED [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: the subnet with ID 170 was 
selected for client assignments
2016-05-10 11:26:26.864 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] 
DHCP4_SUBNET_DATA [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: the selected subnet details: 
2016-05-10 11:26:26.864 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
reservation for subnet id 170, HWADDR hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61, DUID 
2016-05-10 11:26:26.864 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
HOSTS_CFG_GET_ALL_HWADDR_DUID get all hosts with reservations for HWADDR 
hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61 and DUID 01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61
2016-05-10 11:26:26.864 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
HOSTS_CFG_GET_ALL_IDENTIFIER get all hosts with reservations using 
identifier: hwaddr=94:57:a5:ba:63:61
2016-05-10 11:26:26.864 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
hwaddr=94:57:a5:ba:63:61, found 0 host(s)
2016-05-10 11:26:26.864 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
HOSTS_CFG_GET_ALL_IDENTIFIER get all hosts with reservations using 
identifier: duid=01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61
2016-05-10 11:26:26.864 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
duid=01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61, found 0 host(s)
2016-05-10 11:26:26.864 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
HOSTS_CFG_GET_ONE_SUBNET_ID_HWADDR_DUID_NULL host not found using subnet 
id 170, HW address hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61 and DUID 01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61
2016-05-10 11:26:26.864 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
for host using subnet id 170, HWADDR hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61, 
2016-05-10 11:26:26.865 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.ddns/13676] 
DHCP4_CLIENT_HOSTNAME_PROCESS [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: processing client's Hostname 
2016-05-10 11:26:26.865 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.ddns/13676] 
DHCP4_CLIENT_HOSTNAME_DATA [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: client sent Hostname option: 
2016-05-10 11:26:26.865 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv/13676] 
DHCPSRV_MYSQL_GET_SUBID_CLIENTID obtaining IPv4 lease for subnet ID 170 
and client ID 01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61
2016-05-10 11:26:26.866 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv/13676] 
DHCPSRV_MYSQL_GET_SUBID_HWADDR obtaining IPv4 lease for subnet ID 170 
and hardware address hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61
2016-05-10 11:26:26.866 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.alloc-engine/13676] 
ALLOC_ENGINE_V4_OFFER_NEW_LEASE allocation engine will try to offer new 
lease to the client [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8
2016-05-10 11:26:26.866 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
HOSTS_CFG_GET_ONE_SUBNET_ID_ADDRESS4 get one host with reservation for 
subnet id 170 and IPv4 address AAA.BBB.170.2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.866 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
HOSTS_CFG_GET_ALL_ADDRESS4 get all hosts with reservations for IPv4 
address AAA.BBB.170.2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.866 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
HOSTS_CFG_GET_ALL_ADDRESS4_COUNT using address AAA.BBB.170.2, found 0 
2016-05-10 11:26:26.866 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
HOSTS_CFG_GET_ONE_SUBNET_ID_ADDRESS4_NULL host not found using subnet id 
170 and address AAA.BBB.170.2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.866 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
HOSTS_MGR_ALTERNATE_GET4_SUBNET_ID_ADDRESS4 trying alternate source for 
host using subnet id 170 and address AAA.BBB.170.2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.867 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv/13676] 
DHCPSRV_MYSQL_GET_ADDR4 obtaining IPv4 lease for address AAA.BBB.170.2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.867 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv/13676] 
DHCPSRV_MYSQL_GET_ADDR4 obtaining IPv4 lease for address AAA.BBB.170.2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.867 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.leases/13676] 
DHCP4_LEASE_ADVERT [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: lease AAA.BBB.170.2 will be 
2016-05-10 11:26:26.867 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.options/13676] 
DHCP4_PACKET_PACK [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: preparing on-wire format of 
the packet to be sent
2016-05-10 11:26:26.868 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] 
DHCP4_PACKET_SEND [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: trying to send packet 
DHCPOFFER (type 2) from to AAA.BBB.170.1:67 on interface eno2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.868 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] 
DHCP4_RESPONSE_DATA [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: responding with packet 
DHCPOFFER (type 2), packet details: local_address=, 
remote_adress=AAA.BBB.170.1:67, msg_type=DHCPOFFER (2), transid=0xe89e87a8,
   type=001, len=004: 4294967040 (uint32)
   type=003, len=004: AAA.BBB.170.1
   type=006, len=008: AAA.BBB.240.4 AAA.BBB.240.20
   type=051, len=004: 4000 (uint32)
   type=053, len=001: 2 (uint8)
   type=054, len=004:
   type=061, len=007: 01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61
2016-05-10 11:26:26.868 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] 
DHCP4_BUFFER_WAIT waiting for next DHCPv4 packet with timeout 1000 ms
2016-05-10 11:26:26.881 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] 
DHCP4_BUFFER_RECEIVED received buffer from to over interface eno2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.881 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.options/13676] 
DHCP4_BUFFER_UNPACK parsing buffer received from to over interface eno2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.881 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.dhcp4/13676] 
DHCP4_CLASS_ASSIGNED [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: client packet has been 
assigned to the following class(es): VENDOR_CLASS_MSFT 5.0
2016-05-10 11:26:26.881 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] 
DHCP4_SUBNET_SELECTION_FAILED [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: failed to select subnet for 
the client
2016-05-10 11:26:26.881 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.bad-packets/13676] 
DHCP4_PACKET_DROP_0002 [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8, from interface eno2: no 
suitable subnet configured for a direct client
2016-05-10 11:26:26.881 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] 
DHCP4_BUFFER_WAIT waiting for next DHCPv4 packet with timeout 1000 ms
2016-05-10 11:26:26.882 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] 
DHCP4_BUFFER_RECEIVED received buffer from AAA.BBB.170.1:67 to over interface eno2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.882 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.options/13676] 
DHCP4_BUFFER_UNPACK parsing buffer received from AAA.BBB.170.1 to over interface eno2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.882 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.dhcp4/13676] 
DHCP4_CLASS_ASSIGNED [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: client packet has been 
assigned to the following class(es): VENDOR_CLASS_MSFT 5.0
2016-05-10 11:26:26.882 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] 
DHCP4_PACKET_RECEIVED [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: DHCPREQUEST (type 3) 
received from AAA.BBB.170.1 to on interface eno2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.883 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] DHCP4_QUERY_DATA 
[hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
tid=0xe89e87a8, packet details: local_address=, 
remote_adress=AAA.BBB.170.1:67, msg_type=DHCPREQUEST (3), 
   type=012, len=008: "CST-1-HP" (string)
   type=050, len=004: AAA.BBB.170.2 (ipv4-address)
   type=053, len=001: 3 (uint8)
   type=054, len=004: (ipv4-address)
   type=055, len=013: 1(uint8) 3(uint8) 6(uint8) 15(uint8) 31(uint8) 
33(uint8) 43(uint8) 44(uint8) 46(uint8) 47(uint8) 121(uint8) 249(uint8) 
   type=060, len=008: "MSFT 5.0" (string)
   type=061, len=007: 01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61
   type=81 (CLIENT_FQDN), flags: (N=0, E=0, O=0, S=0), 
domain-name='CST-1-HP' (partial)
2016-05-10 11:26:26.883 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] 
DHCP4_SUBNET_SELECTED [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: the subnet with ID 170 was 
selected for client assignments
2016-05-10 11:26:26.883 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] 
DHCP4_SUBNET_DATA [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: the selected subnet details: 
2016-05-10 11:26:26.883 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
reservation for subnet id 170, HWADDR hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61, DUID 
2016-05-10 11:26:26.883 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
HOSTS_CFG_GET_ALL_HWADDR_DUID get all hosts with reservations for HWADDR 
hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61 and DUID 01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61
2016-05-10 11:26:26.883 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
HOSTS_CFG_GET_ALL_IDENTIFIER get all hosts with reservations using 
identifier: hwaddr=94:57:a5:ba:63:61
2016-05-10 11:26:26.883 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
hwaddr=94:57:a5:ba:63:61, found 0 host(s)
2016-05-10 11:26:26.883 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
HOSTS_CFG_GET_ALL_IDENTIFIER get all hosts with reservations using 
identifier: duid=01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61
2016-05-10 11:26:26.883 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
duid=01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61, found 0 host(s)
2016-05-10 11:26:26.883 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
HOSTS_CFG_GET_ONE_SUBNET_ID_HWADDR_DUID_NULL host not found using subnet 
id 170, HW address hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61 and DUID 01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61
2016-05-10 11:26:26.883 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
for host using subnet id 170, HWADDR hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61, 
2016-05-10 11:26:26.884 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.ddns/13676] 
DHCP4_CLIENT_FQDN_PROCESS [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: processing Client FQDN option
2016-05-10 11:26:26.884 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.ddns/13676] 
DHCP4_CLIENT_FQDN_DATA [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: Client sent FQDN option: 
type=81 (CLIENT_FQDN), flags: (N=0, E=0, O=0, S=0), 
domain-name='CST-1-HP' (partial)
2016-05-10 11:26:26.885 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.ddns/13676] 
DHCP4_RESPONSE_FQDN_DATA [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: including FQDN option in the 
server's response: type=81 (CLIENT_FQDN), flags: (N=1, E=0, O=0, S=0), 
domain-name='CST-1-HP.' (full)
2016-05-10 11:26:26.885 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv/13676] 
DHCPSRV_MYSQL_GET_SUBID_CLIENTID obtaining IPv4 lease for subnet ID 170 
and client ID 01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61
2016-05-10 11:26:26.885 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv/13676] 
DHCPSRV_MYSQL_GET_SUBID_HWADDR obtaining IPv4 lease for subnet ID 170 
and hardware address hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61
2016-05-10 11:26:26.885 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
HOSTS_CFG_GET_ONE_SUBNET_ID_ADDRESS4 get one host with reservation for 
subnet id 170 and IPv4 address AAA.BBB.170.2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.885 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
HOSTS_CFG_GET_ALL_ADDRESS4 get all hosts with reservations for IPv4 
address AAA.BBB.170.2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.885 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
HOSTS_CFG_GET_ALL_ADDRESS4_COUNT using address AAA.BBB.170.2, found 0 
2016-05-10 11:26:26.886 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
HOSTS_CFG_GET_ONE_SUBNET_ID_ADDRESS4_NULL host not found using subnet id 
170 and address AAA.BBB.170.2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.886 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/13676] 
HOSTS_MGR_ALTERNATE_GET4_SUBNET_ID_ADDRESS4 trying alternate source for 
host using subnet id 170 and address AAA.BBB.170.2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.886 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv/13676] 
DHCPSRV_MYSQL_GET_ADDR4 obtaining IPv4 lease for address AAA.BBB.170.2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.886 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.alloc-engine/13676] 
ALLOC_ENGINE_V4_REQUEST_ALLOC_REQUESTED [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: trying to allocate requested 
address AAA.BBB.170.2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.886 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv/13676] 
DHCPSRV_MYSQL_GET_ADDR4 obtaining IPv4 lease for address AAA.BBB.170.2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.886 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv/13676] 
DHCPSRV_MYSQL_ADD_ADDR4 adding IPv4 lease with address AAA.BBB.170.2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.887 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.leases/13676] DHCP4_LEASE_ALLOC 
[hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
tid=0xe89e87a8: lease AAA.BBB.170.2 has been allocated
2016-05-10 11:26:26.887 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.options/13676] 
DHCP4_PACKET_PACK [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: preparing on-wire format of 
the packet to be sent
2016-05-10 11:26:26.887 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] 
DHCP4_PACKET_SEND [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: trying to send packet 
DHCPACK (type 5) from to AAA.BBB.170.1:67 on interface eno2
2016-05-10 11:26:26.888 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.packets/13676] 
DHCP4_RESPONSE_DATA [hwtype=1 94:57:a5:ba:63:61], 
cid=[01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61], tid=0xe89e87a8: responding with packet 
DHCPACK (type 5), packet details: local_address=, 
remote_adress=AAA.BBB.170.1:67, msg_type=DHCPACK (5), transid=0xe89e87a8,
   type=001, len=004: 4294967040 (uint32)
   type=003, len=004: AAA.BBB.170.1
   type=006, len=008: AAA.BBB.240.4 AAA.BBB.240.20
   type=051, len=004: 4000 (uint32)
   type=053, len=001: 5 (uint8)
   type=054, len=004:
   type=061, len=007: 01:94:57:a5:ba:63:61
   type=81 (CLIENT_FQDN), flags: (N=1, E=0, O=0, S=0), 
domain-name='CST-1-HP.' (full)

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