[Kea-users] classless in-addr.arpa

mike mike+kea at willitsonline.com
Thu Jan 11 06:48:34 UTC 2018


    With isc dhcpd, I have been able to get essentially classless
in-addr.arpa  for my reverse dns, and I would like to do similar with
kea, but it seems that kea-dhcp-ddns has no support for classless
in-addr designations and is inflexible by not allowing me to specify my
own reverse zone for the updates over the burned in default of

    Under ISC dhcpd, you can get classless in-addr.arpa by telling it to
use a custom zone for reverse designations. In your stock in-addr.arpa
zones you then CNAME each possible host address to
reverse.ip.address.xxx.yourzone.com or somesuch.

    ISC DHCP allows you to specify a subnet declaration such as this:

subnet  netmask {
        ddns-domainname "ops.example.com.";
        ddns-rev-domainname "224-239.127.100.dynamic-rev.example.com.";
        default-lease-time 60;
        max-lease-time 300;
        option broadcast-address;
        option routers;
        option domain-name "ops.example.com.";
        option domain-name-servers,;

    When a reverse designation is made, it updates the zone
"224-239.127.100.dynamic-rev.example.com" with the reversed address of a
client, such as this: 150 IN PTR

       Then, of course, I have 224.127.100.in-addr.arpa  thru
239.127.in-addr.arpa. CNAME'd over to corresponding records within with
zone '224-239.127.100.dynamic-rev.example.com'

    Although I am right now only using subnets larger than /24, and
could make kea work the way it was designed, I want to make sure it can
handle subnets of any size and so classless in-addr.arpa is what I need.
The trick used in the isc-dhcpd config could work for kea too, so my
question is, is there any way to get kea to update some zone other than
directly xxx.xxx.xxx.in-addr.arpa?


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