[Kea-users] [Kea] subnet or shared network selected for multiple relays

Chaigneau, Nicolas nicolas.chaigneau at capgemini.com
Mon Jul 2 08:30:02 UTC 2018

Thanks Tomek.
I'll have a look at 1.4.0 then. :)


> Reviving an old thread, hopefully with some good news.
> On 24/11/2017 17:46, Chaigneau, Nicolas wrote:
> > I would like to configure a subnet shared by multiple relays, i.e. 
> > that would be chosen for several "giaddr" values.
> > 
> > If I'm not mistaken, this was not possible with the basic "subnet4"
> > configuration prior to 1.3.0 (as parameter "relay" does not support a 
> > list of relays).
> > 
> > Can I achieve that with a shared network in 1.3.0 ?
> No, but you can do it in 1.4.0.
> The "relay": { "ip-address": "..." } syntax is now deprecated (but don't worry, it will work for couple releases). A new syntax is as follows:
> "relay": {
>     "ip-addresses": [ "" ]
> }
> This should in principle work for shared networks, but it hasn't been tested extensively. User reports more than welcome.
> > I've read Kea admin guide but I'm not sure this is possible just with 
> > configuration.
> The admin guide for 1.4.0 has its examples updated.
> Tomek
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