[Kea-users] (no subject)

Mike Carlson m87carlson at gmail.com
Tue Dec 10 22:50:50 UTC 2019

For greater visibility, I'm posting here, as I have also submitted a gitlab
issue here:

The tl;dr is Kea DHCP4 is not sending subnet options to clients and we
don't know why.

We have paid for the premier hooks, so were running kea with the mysql
configuration backend for hosts, subnets and leases. This is a dhcp4 only

Our environment consists of around 300 subnets

We have a test host with a out of band management device that is set to use
our new kea server via dhcp helper address.

If we update kea, via posting a subnet config to the agent controller, for
this management network, we can restart the out-of-band management device
and it gets an address and a gateway

If we add a few more subnets, again, posting a subnet config to the agent
controller, we can restart the OOB device and it gets an IP address and a

This is where things get weird.

If we add all 300+ subnets, and restart the OOB device, it does not get a
gateway. It gets a leased ip address, but no subnet options.

Our packet captures during these events shows our OOB device requesting a
gateway, but kea never sends one or any of the other options
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