[Stork-dev] Stork 0.11.0 is now available

Michael McNally mcnally at isc.org
Fri Sep 4 18:05:56 UTC 2020

Stork 0.11.0 is a new development release of the Stork monitoring and
configuration dashboard and it can be downloaded from:


Documentation for Stork is available at https://stork.readthedocs.io.


# Stork 0.11.0, September 2nd, 2020, Release Notes

Welcome to the Stork 0.11.0 release. This is a development release of
the Stork dashboard for Kea.

This is somewhat smaller release than usual. Some team members
enjoyed a well-earned vacation this month, and those that were in the
office focused on pushing a major release of Kea 1.8.0 out the door.
With the summer holiday period coming to a close and the full team
back in the office, we expect the next Stork release to be a bit

The changes introduced in this version are:

1. **Security improvements**. For the last couple of months, Stork
has been adding many new features in each release. This time, we are
focusing on security improvements. Many dependencies have been
updated to their latest versions without any known vulnerabilities
(#362), the credentials are now passed in a more secure way that is
not susceptible to data leakage in proxy logs (#375), and the sanity
checks for the log viewer capability are now vastly improved (#348).

2. **UI improvements**. The status of BIND 9 daemons is now displayed
correctly (#379), and the tables are displayed better on
low-resolution (720p) devices (#295). Also, the dashboard no longer
shows daemons that are not monitored (#365).

3. **Documentation**. The section explaining how to use the Stork
agent as a Prometheus exporter for BIND 9 was expanded (#382).

4. **Bug fixes**. Stork no longer gets confused when the database
access password uses uppercase letters (#361), and the daemon status
is now presented correctly after recovering from a connection
breakdown (#384).

5. **Stork Environment Simulator**. Running Stork demo is a popular
way to get your first experience with Stork. Previously, there were
two separate pages — DHCP Traffic Generator and DNS Traffic Generator
— that could generate some basic traffic. Those two tools were merged
and evolved into Stork Environment Simulator. Its capabilities were
extended, so now you can add all machines to Stork server with a
single click and simulate failures by stopping and starting services

Please see this link for known issues:

## Release Model

Stork has monthly development releases on the first Wednesday of each
month (with some exceptions around holidays), although we sometimes
delay it a bit for last-minute changes.

We encourage users to test the development releases and report back
their findings on the stork-users mailing list, available at

This text references issue numbers. For more details, visit the Stork
GitLab page at https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/stork/issues.

## License
This version of Stork is released under the Mozilla Public License,
version 2.0.


## Download

The easiest way to install the software is to use native deb or RPM
packages. They can be downloaded from:


The Stork source and PGP signature for this release may be downloaded


The signature was generated with the ISC code-signing key which is
available at:


ISC provides documentation in the Stork Administrator Reference
Manual. It is available on ReadTheDocs.io at
https://stork.readthedocs.io/en/latest/, and in source form in the
docs/ directory.

We ask users of this software to please let us know how it worked for
you and what operating system you tested on. Feel free to share your
feedback on the stork-users mailing list
(https://lists.isc.org/mailman/listinfo/stork-users). We would also
like to hear whether the documentation is adequate and accurate.
Please open tickets in the Stork GitLab project for bugs,
documentation omissions and errors, and enhancement requests. We want
to hear from you even if everything worked.

## Support
Professional support for Stork will become available once it reaches
the 1.0 milestone. Existing ISC customers that consider themselves
*very* early adopters may get involved in the development process,
including roadmap, features planning, and early testing, but the
software maturity level does not constitute a typical professional
service before the 1.0 milestone.

Free best-effort support is provided by our user community via a
mailing list. Information on all public email lists is available at
https://www.isc.org/mailinglists/. If you have any comments or
questions about working with Stork, please share them to the
stork-users list
(https://lists.isc.org/mailman/listinfo/stork-users). Bugs and
feature requests may be submitted via GitLab at

## Changes
The following summarizes changes and important upgrades since the
Stork 0.10.0 release.

* 101 [func] godfryd

    Merged Stork DHCP Traffic Simulator and Stork DNS Traffic
    Simulator into one web application called Stork Environment
    Simulator. Added there capabilities for adding all present
    machines in demo setup and ability to stop and start Stork Agents,
    Kea and BIND 9 daemons. This allows simulation of communication
    issues between applications, Stork Agents and Stork Server.
    (Gitlab #380)

* 101 [func] marcin

    Restrict log viewer's access to the remote files. The log viewer
    can only access log files belonging to the monitored application.
    (Gitlab #348)

* 100 [func] godfryd

    Improved user experience of updating machine address/port.
    Improved visual aspects. Added refreshing state from the machine
    after changing the address.
    (Gitlab #283)

* 99 [func] godfryd

    The DHCP dashboard now is presenting only monitored daemons.
    The daemons that have monitoring switched off are not visible
    in the dashboard.
    (Gitlab #365)

* 98 [bug] marcin

    Corrected an issue causing false errors about broken communication
    with the monitored Kea application after the application was
    brought back online.
    (Gitlab #384)

* 97 [bug] godfryd

    Improved layout of various tables that they are displayed
    on smaller screens. Fixed address of the machine that is displayed
    in the tables (previous it was always showing
    (Gitlab #295)

* 96 [doc] matthijs

    Add documentation on monitoring the BIND 9 application.
    (Gitlab #382)

* 95 [func] godfryd

    Fixed presenting an application status on a machine tab
    with BIND 9 application. Previously it was always red/inactive.
    Now it is presented the same way as it is for Kea app: status
    per each daemon of an app.
    (Gitlab #379)

* 94 [bug] marcin

    Fixed an issue whereby the user was unable to login to Stork
    when database password conatined upper case letters. In addition,
    passwords with spaces and quotes are now also supported.
    (Gitlab #361)

* 93 [func] marcin

    Login credentials are passed in the message body rather than as
    query parameters. In addition, the user information is obfuscated
    when db tracing is enabled.
    (Gitlab #375)

Thank you again to everyone who assisted us in making this release

We look forward to receiving your feedback.

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