DNS Delegation problem.

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at cospo.osis.gov
Tue Jun 22 21:49:30 UTC 1999

> Now if anyone knows hot to get bind 8.* to say its authoritative when
> its not, I would love to know the trick.  I've got a box that lives on 192.168.*.*
> that is my backup dns server but because of the rules of the aunic, If I list
> its self as authortative using the 192.168.** address then it will report
> one of its NS records is 192.168.*.* which I don't want since its on the far
> side of a cisco doing NAT (which only wokrs with udp, not tcp so zone transfers 
> are fun too).

I don't see the problem.  Internally, it can be authoritative.  It just
shouldn't pass any records saying so to the OzNIC.  Nor should you.

Joe Yao				jsdy at cospo.osis.gov - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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