Master/Slave DNS Question

encrypted at encrypted at
Fri Apr 7 05:42:01 UTC 2000

I currently have 5 dynamic + 1 static IP from my ISP.  I have my master
DNS on the static IP but would like to put my web, mail server, and
slave DNS on the dynamic IP's.  Is it possible to have a script update
either the zone file on the master DNS server or is another possibility
to named running on the web and mail server as slave DNS servers (and
get rid of the slave DNS server by itself) and have the script update
the zone file locally on that machine and have it broadcast that to the
master DNS server?  My thinking was have "notify yes" on both the slave
and master and then have the script update the zone (serial + IP) and
then do an ndc reload.  Is this anywhere close to possible?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


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