RFC 2317 Aliases in addr.arpa zone pointing to PTR records, was [Re: Simple Delegation Question]

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Wed Aug 2 01:50:59 UTC 2000

>>>>> "birgitt" == birgitt  <birgitt at cais.com> writes:

    birgitt> My ISP doesn't want to use the method described in
    birgitt> RFC2317 to delegate me management of my /27 sub-C-class
    birgitt> IP range on my own primary name server.

    birgitt> They want me to write out an in-addr.arpa zone file for
    birgitt> the _complete_ class C and then they want to redelegate
    birgitt> my sub IP range back to me.

Consider taking your business elsewhere. Your ISP's apparent lack of
clue is very disturbing. They seem to want you - the customer! - to
take ownership of one of their reverse zones, set it up for them and
then give it back to them so they can hand out some of its address
range back to you. I see. What "service" does this ISP actually
provide? Do they pay their customers to do the work that they're
supposed to do as an ISP? Or do you pay them to do their job for
them? [Nice business model, that!] If your ISP is too clueless or lazy
to correctly set up reverse zone DNS - with or without RFC2317-style
delegation - they don't deserve to stay in business. Find another ISP
and let Darwinism take its course.

   birgitt> But does their suggestion work ?

It depends on your definition of "work". It sure works for the ISP.
After all, you're the sucker who does most of the actual work. It
looks like they don't have the DNS skills to do that job for
themselves. If you do that work it'll be messy. [You set up a zone
file and configure your name server. They fiddle with it. Then you do
something else to whatever they've fiddled with. And hope nothing
breaks at each point along that chain.] It also relies on them
trusting you to set up that reverse zone properly. This does not
inspire confidence as you appear to have a greater understanding of
the DNS than your ISP. Would you fly with an airline where you knew
more about flying than the pilots?

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