Problems with Bind 9.1.0b

Jim Reid jim at
Wed Dec 20 22:45:02 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Jon" == Jon Bibeau <jbibeau at> writes:

    Jon> I just wanted to thank Jim Reid for his suggestion. The
    Jon> problem was the time/date stamp on the servers were off by as
    Jon> little as 1 hour to 1 day.  Once I reset the time, the
    Jon> problem was fixed.

Another suggestion. Configure the Network Time Protocol on your
computers. That way they'll all always keep the same, correct
time. This is a Big Win: every log file has accurate time stamps,
clocks don't drift, authentication schemes like Kerberos work
reliably, etc, etc. Once NTP is set up, it just runs without any
system administrator intervention. Most UNIX systems are shipped with
xntpd these days. If your vendor doesn't, complain! You can also pick
up the source code from any good archive site.

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