Problems with Bind 9.1.0b

Bill Manning bmanning at
Wed Dec 20 22:16:43 UTC 2000

% >>>>> "Jon" == Jon Bibeau <jbibeau at> writes:
%     Jon> I just wanted to thank Jim Reid for his suggestion. The
%     Jon> problem was the time/date stamp on the servers were off by as
%     Jon> little as 1 hour to 1 day.  Once I reset the time, the
%     Jon> problem was fixed.
% Another suggestion. Configure the Network Time Protocol on your
% computers. That way they'll all always keep the same, correct
% time. This is a Big Win: every log file has accurate time stamps,
% clocks don't drift, authentication schemes like Kerberos work
% reliably, etc, etc. Once NTP is set up, it just runs without any
% system administrator intervention. Most UNIX systems are shipped with
% xntpd these days. If your vendor doesn't, complain! You can also pick
% up the source code from any good archive site.

NTPv4 is prefered. Previous versions have known weaknesses and a broken
clock is not always intuitive when debugging DNS failures... see the 
above thread for empirical example... :)


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