(no subject)

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Thu Jan 27 19:24:32 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Lynn" == Lynn Zhang <lyzhang at umich.edu> writes:

    Lynn> I did read the INSTALL notes and some README files come with
    Lynn> the tar file.  However, I am still confused about
    Lynn> something. I am trying to upgrade our BIND, we have our bind
    Lynn> configuration files (like named.boot, named.cache,
    Lynn> named.conf, etc) in /usr/private/etc. I need to have the new
    Lynn> binary will work with my old configuation files.

BIND8 doesn't use named.boot, so you need to convert it to the format
of the new config file, named.conf. The named-bootconf does this.
    Lynn> Before I run "make install", I need to modify the
    Lynn> Makefile.set in src/port/solaris, the next is part of my
    Lynn> Makefile.set,
    Lynn> 'DESTDIR=/dns/dns'
    Lynn> 'DESTMAN=/usr/local/share/man'
    Lynn> 'DESTETC=/usr/local/etc'
    Lynn> after I run "make install", I should have
    Lynn> /dns/dns/usr/local/share/man, but I do not have that.
What gives you that idea? Where do these DESTDIR and DESTMAN shell
variables get concatenated? You don't have /dns/dns/usr/local/share/man
because there's no construct in the Makefiles to create that. None of
the Makefiles concatenate DESTDIR and DESTMAN.

    Lynn> What is the meaning of 'DESTETC=/usr/local/etc' ? Does this
    Lynn> tell bind to look for /usr/local/etc for configuration files
    Lynn> when it runs?

No. It tells make where to install the files that would usually go in
/etc, like named.conf. For Solaris, the directory that BIND uses is
/usr/local/etc because that's what DESTETC is set to. [DESTination
directory for ETC files. Likewise DESTMAN is the DESTination directory
for MANpages.] If you've followed the installation instructions
properly, DESTECT will get compiled into named to define the default
location for the name server's config file. In your case, this would
be /usr/local/etc/named.conf.
    Lynn> What is the best way to upgrade the new bind without damage
    Lynn> anyting which is running now?

The -n option to make will get it to print out what it will do without
actually doing it, so "make -n install" should give you a very clear
idea what would get installed where. You can work out the rest for
yourself from that. After all, only you will know what would get
damaged (or not) when the make install runs. How can anyone else tell
what you've got on the computer or where you've put it.

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