DNS on a LAN

Charly charlymail at iname.com
Sat Jun 3 00:43:53 UTC 2000

I have a LAN with 1 server (dialup, masquerading and a forwarding only
named). my problem is, that always I start the named service the dialup
connect to the server i included in the forwarders section. Does anyone
know how to solve this problem ?

my /etc/named.conf:
options {
        directory "/var/named";
        # the default is to fail, if the master file is not correct
        check-names master warn;
        pid-file "/var/run/named.pid";
        datasize default;
        stacksize default;
        coresize default;
        files 20M;
        recursion yes;
        multiple-cnames no;             // if yes, then a name my have
                                        // than one CNAME RR.  This use
                                        // is non-standard and is not
                                        // recommended, but it is
                                        // because previous releases
                                        // it and it was used by large
                                        // for load balancing.
        # the default is to ask the forwarders and if they fail
        # try to find the answer yourself, this will only ask the
        forward only;  // I also tried first
        # list of DNS servers to ask
        forwarders {
        # the default is to listen on port 53 on all available
        # you can also give a detailed list:
        #listen-on {; };
        #listen-on port 1234 { !; 1.2/16; };

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