Reload or Restart

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Fri Nov 3 22:40:44 UTC 2000

I assume these changes are being made directly to the zone files, right?
If so, then if the changes are spread out somewhat over different zones,
you may want to consider using Dynamic Update instead. That way, you
don't have to worry about reloading the zones constantly. If the changes
are mostly concentrated on just a *few* zones, though, then Dynamic
Update might make things worse, triggering more NOTIFYs, zone transfers,
etc. than just a periodic reload or reload {zone}.

Unfortunately, zones can't actually be added or deleted completely via
Dynamic Update. But ndc reconfig is a more lightweight alternative to
ndc reload for that kind of thing.

- Kevin

michab wrote:

> hi all,
> i would like to make a small ask-around..
> what would you do, to keep a nameserver running up all the time,
> even when there are thousands of changes made in an houre...?
> - would you do a restart every x hours
> - a ndc reload
> - a ndc reload reconfig
> or a ndc reload [zone]
> let=B4s say the ns has 10.000 zones....

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