How can I setup DNS to support unlimited subdomains on 1 IP (without multiple DNS entries)

Igmar Palsenberg maillist at
Wed Sep 27 23:55:07 UTC 2000

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Sylvia de Raat wrote:

> Question:
> How can I setup my DNS to support unlimited subdomains,
> without haveing to add a DNS entry for each subdomain.

You can use wildcards in the zone file. I do advise against it, since you
can't use wildcards with MX records. 

Same for web server setup (Apache ??) : It creates problems
wich are hard to solve.

I suggest you create a script that does the setup for you, maybe from a
database. Same as I do here.

> Regards,
> Sylvia de Raat
> - 'de snelste recepten op het internet'


		Igmar Palsenberg
		JDI Media Solutions

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