other experiments

Quadri, Jay Jay.Quadri at gmk.cwplc.com
Tue Sep 12 11:25:53 UTC 2000

1. I have an Internal Root server with my own written named.ca file. Do you
think it's ok to put selective forwarding on the root server, remember that
client host dont directly put root server IP in their PC.

2. Do you see anything wrong with the forwarders {}; syntax below.
	The objective is to lower the  precedence of the global forwarding.

 options {
        directory "/usr/local/named";
        pid-file "/etc/named.pid";
         named-xfer "/usr/local/bin/bind/named-xfer";
         notify yes;
       check-names master ignore;              /* default. */
       check-names slave  ignore;
        listen-on port 53 { any; };
         forward only;
         forwarders {;;};
         allow-query { any; };
         allow-transfer { dns-secondary-servers; };
        transfer-format many-answers;

zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" {
 type            master ;
 file            "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa.db" ;
 allow-update    {
  none ;
 } ;
} ;

zone "." {
 type            hint ;
 file            "named.root" ;
} ;

zone "annika.intra.net" {
"type stub"
forwarders {};
 type            master ;
 file            "annika.intra.net.db" ;
 notify          YES ;
 allow-update    {
  none ;
 } ;
 maintain-ixfr-base yes ;
} ;

zone "otherslave.net" {
"type stub"
forwarders {};
 type            slave ;
 file            "other-slave.net.db.bak" ;
 masters         { ;
 } ;
 max-transfer-time-in 120 ;
} ;

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