root servers

Jim Reid jim at
Wed Aug 1 11:19:06 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Kjorling <michael at> writes:

    Michael> I have a cron job set up to run once a month to grab the
    Michael> newest list of root servers (which, by the way, hasn't
    Michael> changed since Aug '00):

There is no need for this. Although keeping an up to date copy of the
roots hints file is a good thing, a monthly update is overkill. Your
name server only uses that file at start-up to send a query to find
the actual names and addresses of the root servers, that's all. The
root servers haven't changed in years and are unlikely to change for a
long time, probably never. The current file at has
a change date from August last year. However the file's contents have
not changed for much longer than that. It has a comment saying the
file was last updated in August 1997!

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