Win 95/98 /Bind

Danny Mayer mayer at
Fri Aug 24 23:25:58 UTC 2001

         Larry Kahn had a version 4.9.x of BIND which would run on Win9x.  Of course,
not only is that so old it's full of known security holes, it's configuration file syntax
is no longer used, so I don't know if it's worth learning.

         You're better of going to a Unix box, or if you really need Windows, upgrade
to at least Windows NT 4.0 and install BIND 8 for NT.

At 02:51 AM 8/24/01, Matt wrote:
>Is it possible to get a copy of Bind or similar DNS program for Windows
>If so I would really apprecate someone letting me know as i would like tplay
>around and have a pratice before I start in Linux. I have a static IP.

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